Monday, May 27, 2013

A New Priest... Err, something like that.

Let's get it out there, we all sacrifice for our raid teams.

     It means at times we play a spec we don't like.  We might raid on a night when we would rather go to bed all wrapped up in our blankets.  Or sometimes we might even play with people we don't like, or spend time studying fights and other classes.  I can think of one time back in Wrath when I was tanking ICC with a fever and was fighting just to focus on the screen.  I was tanking, so it was pretty much stand there and listen for a taunt, but as soon as the raid was over I laid down and collapsed.  I'm still surprised that I made it through that night.  I remember another time that a healer whom I love like a sister hadn't got much sleep, and fell asleep at the keyboard during a 5 minute afk.  (This prompted me to almost drive over to her house to see if she was o.k., as she wouldn't answer the phone etc...)  I may pay later for sharing that one.

     If you are a raid leader, or even a committed raider, this means you look forward with your raid team.  You have some focus on the now.  (Which is where mine is mostly at the moment) but you look at how things are going to shape up in a month, or longer as the team is going.

     Enter my priest Dizzty.  The Worgen ball of fluff who is slinging around holy spells and hoping to keep people alive.  As it seems we may have a tank, who is being built who can take my spot there, I am getting my heals in place on my priest, so i'm not rolling against the shaman heals for gear.  Of course this means that we will have two warrior tanks, meaning that our main tank will still be rolling against another tank for gear.  But it would be the same if I had stuck with my pally, so while I wish I could mix up the tanks a little more, right now I will take what I have.  Besides, I would wouldn't trade Magilla (Our main tank) for any other tank in wow.  And Laroth (Whom is back to the game after a hiatus) is a bad A tank in his own right and as soon as he catches up completely, I will have one of the strongest tanking teams I've run with.  (I'm a good tank, I will never claim to be a great tank)

      So, I have sacrificed time to get my priest to LFR level, and he has run the first two successfully.  I am going to be neglecting my main (Lag) for a bit while I build him up.  I only feel a little guilty in this as Lag is geared higher then the content we are hitting, so if anything happens at this point, he and step back in.  I also am going to put in the work as soon as Dizzty is up to snuff, on keeping his Prot and Ret sets caught up as possible.  This means hours may be burnt on building up two toons.  As I want to do both Holy and Disc on my priest, that means i'm going to be studying a bit too.  Lag will continue to be my achievement hound, and be the one who pushes the new dailies/content unless there is gear in it for Dizzty.. which there may be.

     This Tuesday will be another Heart of Fear run.  I know Dizzty will not be ready by then, so Shimmer will be bench hitting.  I am hoping with people starting to show up again that we will be able to push to Throne of Thunder here in a couple of weeks.  This means I may discuss another raid night, or save progression.  If people are doing LFR's the gear in there should help push through HoF as much as anything.

    When the siege of Ogrimmar happens in a few months, I want to be fighting my way through, so I can punch Garrosh in the face.  I am fascinated by the fact Blizzard is doing a raid to unseat a major faction leader.  I also believe that if we do kill Garrosh, and not just unseat him, that one of the major alliance characters will die as well.  Blizzard loves to appease the Horde characters.....

     Most importantly, I want my team to be there with me when we pony up and attack that raid.  And I want us to be ready.



Jaimee said...

Hah, never going to live down my little nap, am I?

Corvis said...

No, never, not at all. Heaven knows I done enough stupid things for ya'll to bring up.