Sunday, January 25, 2015

Grinding halts and expectations. (Raid update week of 01/19/2015)

This wasn't a bad week.

      Tuesday we hopped in with the goal of getting the five bosses down that we had already downed in the raid.  We were close, but didn't get the cigar on this.  We managed four bosses but no Tectus.  I'm O.K. with this.  It is one more boss then we downed on Tuesday last week, and if we keep up this trend we should be able to get our five on Tuesday next week.

      Wednesday we went in, and downed Tectus fairly quickly.  I believe it took us two pulls, but we managed to take him down and move on to boss number six.  Kor'agh is proving to be a little difficult for us so far.  He has a lot of random crap going on, and we never managed to get him down beyond about fifty-one percent.  I still believe if people take the time to figure out the mechanics and watch the videos etc... he's going to be a fight that could take us a while.  I still think there is a good chance we will down him next week and get to work on Imperator Mar'gok.

      This brings up another thought.  Next week is the last week before they open up the Blackrock Foundry raid.  (Woot!)  The question then becomes how do I split our focus, or do I bother to split our focus?  I would like to get all the bosses in Highmaul down before doing Blackrock Foundry, but at the same time we are close enough I am debating sticking my toe into the new raid the week it drops.  Depending on how we handle it I could see doing Highmaul on Tuesday and Foundry on Wednesday until people don't need gear from Highmaul.  Since the gear in Foundry is supposed to be better, if we are getting a couple pieces from there it should help us just finish Highmaul off that much quicker.

    I do worry that Blizzard is making the same mistake they made with Pandaria with how quick this is dropping.  While it is technically the first tier of raiding (we finally get tier gear, yaya!)  I'm hoping that there is a better pacing of content this time around.  I know I'm not the only one who has said it, but if they had spaced all the raid tiers in Pandaria by an extra month or two, the dead time between Xpacks wouldn't have been so long, or felt so painful.  Now, I will say since we didn't actually down Garrosh until the last month or so, that worked to our benifit.  There was a large amount of the player base though looking for stuff to do, and wandering off to greener pastures due to this stretch of no content.

     The counter argument is that this is the second half of the first tier and a natural place for progression.  It is the other half of what is considered the first raid tier,   By getting it now, it feels more a piece of this first round of content and not a completely new event/raid tier being released.  This should be essentially the heart of fear to our Mogu'shan vaults for this expansion.  If it's not released quickly enough if will feel like it's own thing and not the natural progression of this story.

     I also worry with how quickly we have been killing the Warlords.  By my count we have killed Kargath, Ner'zhul, with Blackhand dropping soon in the foundry.  That is three of the baddies down before the second raid tier.  You could argue that makes 50% with one raid tier to go, but I'm betting there is still a surprise to be sprung here.  Grommosh and Kilrog are obviously going to be on the table soon, but since Gul'dan seems to be doing his own thing, I'm not sure I can see him in the same raid with the other too.  As a matter of fact I am betting on him for the Big Bad at the end of this expansion (as I've mentioned previously) due to the fact the legendary quest seems to be based around opposing him.

But what do you all think?



Thursday, January 15, 2015

Tectus has multiple personality disorder.

One more week down....

     Tuesday went well.  We one shot all the ones we had already downed, and the mood was pretty good.   We hunkered down and prepared to take on Brackenspore.  After a few tries and a little frustration we managed to kill him dead.  On the last pull of the night.  Happiness and joy abounded.

    Wednesday started out with us almost not raiding.  After the group had gathered we went to knock on the door and Highmaul seemed to be not at home.  Trying to get into the entrance just resulted in a long loading screen that kicked you back out after a couple of minutes.  After a half hour of this I was starting to call the raid when one member dropped from the group and got in.  We disbanded, handed him temporary leadership and moved in together.  From there we went to work on Tectus, and after a few pulls we swapped Saberlynn to disc and with the extra healing he went down pretty well.  Then it was on to Kor'gath.  That is where our night ended, we did a couple of pulls and then went our merry ways to re-convene next week.

       Now, for the news part of this week, 6.1 is now live on the PTR and Blackrock Foundry opens on February 3rd.  Both of these are big deals.

      First of all, it is nice to know when the next raid is opening other then "Sometime in February."  I honestly suspected with the vagueness of Blizzard's answer that we wouldn't be seeing the next raid until close to the end of the month.  It was a pleasant surprise to know we can traipse our way in three weeks from now.  There is hope that we can be 7/7 in Highmaul by then.  At the rate of progress we have had, I believe we may get there on opening week.  That is, if we can get the first five bosses down on Tuesday from here on out.  I think there is a chance we could pull that off.

        As far as 6.1 is concerned.  We are already seeing spoilers and data-mined content.  As always anything you hear about the next patch from anyone but Blizzard must be taken with a grain of salt.  A lot of the information gained is stuff that never makes it into the game and people get butt hurt when their expectations don't become realized.

        We are getting an legendary follower.  I'm not going to spoil who it is, but I am very excited.  And no, it's not Varian Wrynn.

        New blood elf models are on their way.  Looks like there is a good chance we will have them with this patch, who is happy about there finally being male blood elves to play?

      Heirlooms tab!  That's right!  If this feature makes it in, you can just create and equip the heirlooms you already own from a tab.   When your done, just throw those suckers away.  No more mailing between realms.  No more re-buying the heirlooms that have dissipated along the way...

      And much more!  This is a content patch so far.  No raids, just fun little quality of life additions.  6.2 should be the next raid, and then 6.3 may be the last patch of the expansion?  If they stick to the two raid tier plan it will probably be.  Then again, maybe Blizzard will have a change of heart.  I believe they said that the final raid boss will be a surprise this time around.  (This after someone slipped and said it was going to be Grommosh Hellscream right after Blizzcon)  I am personally hoping for Gul'dan and the Shadow Council as that would fit into that last big bad nicely.  This would really fit into the current legendary quest for our ring.

     That is it for this week.  Next week I'm hoping to have something more opiniony.  Like, NO FLYING IN WARLORDS EVAH!  Or at least not looking like it in 6.1.


Monday, January 12, 2015

Smacked right in the Kisser! (raid update week of 01/04/2014)

So... been a week of raiding.

     Tuesday was a little rough.  We went in and managed to down Kargath, Twin Ogron, and The Butcher again.  We did have a few wipes which made the fights last pretty much the whole night.  It was a little frustrating but it just seemed a rougher night.

     Wednesday was equally frustrating.  We started on Brackenspore and worked on him for a while before giving up and switching to Tectus.  We made some progress on Tectus but eventually raid ended and we called it for the night with no new bosses downed this week.

      I am going to openly say I am frustrated at this moment.  Not with our progress, there are nights where no new bosses or downed or we spend time working on one boss and that is raiding.  It happens a lot for some teams and you get used to the idea that there are some nights you may spend and hour or two just trying to make some progress against a baddie.  This I can live with.

    However, if anyone noticed I grew very quiet in Vent this week.  Why? You may ask, well I will tell you.

     I am tired of grown ass men not being able to put on their big boy pants and bringing down the team.  Not just one person too.  In a moment where we should have been focusing on working together and figuring out how to down a boss there was loud whining, and whispers and lots of other frustrating things that almost made me go off in a rant on vent.  Instead I decided to keep my mouth shut rather then end raid halfway through because the raid leader had an emotional melt down.  Emotional melt downs don't fix anything.  But neither does silence.  This is a problem that may need fixing.  In a raid where we were discussing that the youngest member is about twenty five years old, I should feel like I'm playing with a couple of Kindergartners. Seriously.

     So here is my warning shot.  I will have people muted on vent.  I will ask people to shut their cake hole if they can't contribute anything positive.  Failing that, I will start cutting people.  I don't want to, the majority of people playing with us have been here a couple years and while I have been entertained by antics between a couple of players, it turned pretty damn toxic this week.

     The thing that kills me is that in a world of adults we should be able to take and give some good natured ribbing.  We should be thicker skinned and give each other the benefit of the doubt when someone speaks to us.  Instead I feel I am babysitting a bunch of children.  If I wanted that I would just work the nights we raid.

    Either way, it's been building, and soon something is going to have to give.


Monday, January 5, 2015

Rockin' on up. (raid update week of 12/28/2014)

Holidays are over, now we can get to business!

      We only raided Tuesday because of Holidays again.  (As opposed to the week before where we didn't raid, as I got stuck at work) That was fine, even with a late start (my fault this time for not planning things better) We downed three bosses.  The butcher of Kardize.. oh, I mean Kargath.  The actual Butcher (non-Diablo style)  and Twin's from Full House...errr Ogron all died to our group.  We took a couple more wacks at Brackenspore and called it a night.

      I realized this night what the biggest problem I have with Highmaul is.  I think it's a great raid, looks cool.  Has some neat bosses, but the fights themselves just feel like they last forever.  Once you have a fight like Twin Ogron down and no one is dying, it just seems to take forever to kill you enemies.   Out of the three we have killed they seem to be very simple 1 phase fights with repetitive mechanics.  That's fine and all, but I am hoping there is a little variance down the road to make the fights feel a little more Epic.

     As things stand now, it looks like I'm back to tanking.  (Grumble, grumble)  Apparently, things were said, someone was offended and here we are.  I don't think either party is 100% to blame on this one, and I am just rolling my eyes and moving on.  I am debating leveling my DK up though to take over tanking to give me a break from Pally tanking.  I have enjoyed Lag as DPS this time round and it might be nice to try something new.

    Other then that, people continue to ding 100 and get geared.  I'm looking forward to new friendly faces showing up in raid as they get ready and I hope that we are fielding a team of about 16 people by the end of the day.  A couple with a tank/healer off spec would be nice too.  I would love to find another tank outright, but I need someone who is dependable and will be around every raid.  I made some choices at the end of last expansion that might have made this easier, but I put my eggs in one basket and now I find I'm short.  My fault, I will pick up that slack for now.

   Still enjoying the Expansion, but I'm starting to feel it is not alt friendly with the time that I have.  I feel what time I have is stuck working on my main character, but at this point if I want to get my garrison and daily stuff done on him, I don't have time for much after.  This isn't a big problem and it may keep my to a main for the near future for the most part.  I just wish I could get more characters leveled up for variety's sake.  My hunter I am working with my wife when she plays... the rest.  We will see.

That's pretty much it then.  This week should be our first two day raid week in about 3 weeks.  I am looking forward to downing a new boss or two.
