Monday, July 18, 2016

Tomorrow, we begin again.

It's official, there are no more mooses in Hellfire Citadel.

      That is right folks, tomorrow is the day that we get to relearn everything.  7.0 will be dropping, for those counting this is the 7th iteration of the game.  Not counting major changes that mid-expansion that is.  This time the focus is on class fantasy.  They have taken the essence of each class and tried to distill it into each of the specs.  I will be honest, I have been lazy about playing on the test realm so all I can really say, is hop on and see how your class works.  The people playing on the PTR have been doing a lot of class switching.  This is going to be the expansion where a lot of people change their main character is the feeling right now.

      Demon Hunters are coming, but not yet.  They will not be available until the last week or two before Legion drops on Aug. 30th.  So, you have to put your warglaves on the shelf a little longer.

     New transmog system will be out.  This means my end of expansion bag and bank cleaning is coming.  No longer will you have to have an item in your bank or void storage to use it for transmog, if you have picked it up on a character that could transmog it, it will be recorded, and then you can vendor that item for gold.  My only question is, doesn't this make void storage pointless? Unless they use it as a second bank for everything, I think it does.

      If you are not started, you won't be able to start your legendary quest for your ring after tomorrow.  As a matter of fact, if you aren't to part II of the quest line it will disappear from your quest log completely.  If you are in the latter part of the quest, you will need to finish it by August 30th, or the quest will be gone completely.

      I know everyone is excited for the demon invasion, however, like Demon Hunters, this event will not be happening immediately.  Instead we will be given a few weeks to get the feel of our characters down.  I feel this is for the best, as much as I would love a long drawn out invasion that progressed week by week, this is going to give us the opportunity to get our feet wet and figure out what we are doing before fel fire starts raining down from the sky.

      There is much more.  If you go to you can go look it up.  So get in there tomorrow, figure things out, and let's get ready to kill some demons.

     If you are in Fear Itself, start watching your calendars for Monday and Tuesday nights.  I will start getting get together's together soon so we can start hitting things together again.  It's time to work our way into a new expansion.


Monday, July 11, 2016

Did Warlord's Break Professions.

I’ve been thinking about professions a lot.

                Warlords was not kind to professions.  Everything was made so readily available by garrisons, that for the most point it felt pointless to have any gathering professions, let alone any making professions.  You could upgrade a few select items for yourself or others with a lot of work, but for the most part, it felt pretty useless to be a blacksmith etc… after a point.

                With Legion it sounds like we are taking a step back to the old way of doing things, with a few improvements.  You will have your blacksmiths, doing all the blacksmith work.  Jewel crafters doing all the gems and so on.  The improved part is that if you are not at level with Legion professions, you will still be able to make the items.  This means you won’t have to slog through all making all the Vanilla Wow recipes on up before you can make current gear.

                I look forward to this.  I miss professions feeling meaningful, rather that something you might do so that you can make one or more extra items that through hard work will be comparable to that next drop you get in a dungeon.  I know I’m kind of looking back at things through rose colored glasses on this.  I remember grinding to make a couple of items to get my ilevel up and ready to raid, just to replace them a week or two later.

                However I also wonder how many people are looking forward to going back to the old way?  I remember flying around Uldum for hours grinding ore so I could work on Engineering and Blacksmithing items.  Now because of my garrison, I don’t remember that last time I went grinding for ore.  Well, it’s been a couple of months, but it was in Pandaria to make Sky Golem mount to sell.  I still do that on occasion, but that is a gold earning thing, not a current need gear that works right now thing.  As far as current engineering work, I do the same thing I have done since the beginning of Warlords, I pop out a Blingtron 5000

                Now, since we have not had to do much gathering, are people going to be willing to hope back into that again?  How about professions when it comes to making stuff.  Are people going to have the drive to bang out a bunch of items after it just felt useless?  Or is everyone else’s experience different than mine, where people making a lot of items with professions and making it feel worthwhile?  I am honestly curious.  How is this going to affect people’s feelings going into Legion?  Am I just crazy to be having these thought?

What do you think, are you ready to hop back into professions come Legion?
