Sunday, November 10, 2013

Blizzcon 2013 in review.

The dust has settled and Blizzcon is now over.  If you were fortunate to have the time and money to go gratzy!  If you were like me and just sat back and watched the news feed.... here is a review of things that pertain to Wow that jumped out at me.

      First thing first.  Next expansion is "Warlords of Draenor" which if you living in a hold you may have not heard by now.  This refers to the orc Chieftains/Warleaders that lead the orcs into Azeroth when the black portal opened.  Garrosh has apparently escaped the Pandaran (Bunch of ninja pandas can't keep him locked up) found a mysterious friend, and been whisked away to Daenor 30 years earlier before it was blown up and turned into Outlands (Burning Crusade!) Garrosh has changed the time by keeping the orcs from being corrupted by the burning legion, and now plans on shaping them into the iron horde, which he will lead back into Azeroth to defeat us all.  In doing this he has created a separate time line which he has now linked to ours via the black portal.  So, not time travel, more hopping into a time puddle, or alternate dimension.  So, timey whimey wibbley wobbley stuff.  Long story short, we can kill anyone there and it won't effect our timeline.

      Stats are changing.  I about stood up and cheered when they announced hit and expertise are gone! Tanks will be losing parry and Dodge as well. They are being replaced by a movement speed and cleave stats.  Movement is pretty self explanatory, and cleave will randomly make you hit extra baddies when you attack.  Which I see as nice, but very situational on when it will be a needed stat.  Along with this, reforging is going away, there are going to be less gem slots, and less items will be enchantable. They did say these gem/enchants will be more powerful and have a lot more choice to them

    Gearing is changing as well.  Instead of having to carry two, sometimes three sets of gear for your character, it now should be fairly universal.  Tier gear will switch stats to match the spec you are in.  So if a Pally goes from ret to holy, the gear will change with him.  No more intellect plate either, holy paladins will convert strength to intellect when the put on armor.  This doesn't mean that some pieces might not be better for some specs then others, but it will mean lugging around a lot less armor.

     Bag space is going to be better.  Tabards, BOA leveling gear, quest items, and toys will no longer take up space in your bags.  Using the new interface/drop down menus for these means your BOA gear will truly be account bound now.  Any of your characters on any realm will be able to access it. This is an awesome change in my opinion.

     When you buy the new expansion there are many features you would expect (new levels (10), new monsters, new land to explore) one of the big ones is you get a free level 90 when you buy the expansion.  This means I will have a higher level monk/druid when the expansion comes out to join my stable of high level characters.  For now this is a one time thing, but as there is a loophole where someone might buy another copy of wow, including the expansions make a 90 then pay to transfer it over to their main account, Blizzard is considering making this a paid feature.  They want to wait and see how people react to the idea first.

     Instead of player housing, you get a garrison.  You can place your garrison in any of the new zones on Draenor.  After you start this you can upgrade and build your garrison to give you access to professions you character doesn't, you can send minions you earn as you level to forage for mats, or even run dungeons and raids for you earning you random loot.  You can earn trophies for display with achievements and can even invite friends to come into your garrison.  They said they are not doing guild halls at this point, but with this advancing, I wonder if that is just a matter of time.

     Raid changes.  The new raids will have 4 different raid difficulties.  LFR, Normal, Heroic, and Mystic.  The first three will all have the Flex ability so you can take anywhere from 10-25 people.  Mystic will have a 20 person requirement.  Loot on the last three will adjust itself to the amount of people in the raid, and the loot master will hand stuff out once again.

    There is a lot more changes/stuff to cover, but these are the things that popped out at me the most.  What are you all looking forward to the most in the next Xpack? Or what do you not like that they are changing?




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