Monday, October 21, 2013

Clashing Personalities.

We all have suffered through LFR, so this might be familiar.

      Right now with LFR being rough in places, you think people would use some common sense and patience.  This isn't was happened to me the other day.  We had a person in the run whom I will call Johnny DeathKnight, now Johnny from his broken typing may have not understood English very well.  Johnny also could have been a fifth grader.  Most likely Johnny was a high school drop out who was in his mid twenties now playing in mommies basement, and using the broken understanding of the language he had bothered to pick up.  Yes, from the get go I am tearing into Johnny Deathknight.

     You see, I zoned in on my priest into the Dark Shaman fight.  As you healers may know, this fight sucks to heal with all the movement involved, normally with people running away from you as quickly as their little sprinting characters can move.  This means your heals are constantly being broken by line of sight issues, or you having to move or be nuked by the death being dropped at your feet.  So, from the get go, I buckled in and got ready for some horribleness.

      This is where Johnny comes in.  The tanks called the pull and he was immediately floor tanking.  He spent the first half of the fight asking for a Brezz, and then swearing at people for not Brezzing him.  Now, I'm not sure if you have ever played a class that can Brezz a person in the middle of a fight, but the last person  you Brezz is the douche sitting there swearing at you because apparently the fight completely rests on their shoulders.  I groaned inwardly at this but healed on while his swearing and berating tirade moved on in raid chat.  Of course, as soon as people started dropping and it was apparent we were going to wipe little Johnny DeathKnight started asking which tank was supposed to grab Skull?

      At that point Johnny's tirade was against a tank who apparently couldn't hold aggro, because he had been on skull and had aggro immediately.  Now, anyone who had been watching life bars during the fight, and at the pull could have told you that Johnny had grabbed the target before the tank had established aggro.  As a matter of fact, Johnny had grabbed the add, and gone down before the tanks lifebar had moved period.   Meaning of course, Johnny had fallen to that old saying of you break it, you tank it.  He had pulled the mob before the tank.  I said as much in Raid chat.. and of course Johnny couldn't hear reason.  He just tiraded on about how the tank sucked.  The tank to his credit dropped, making us have to wait for a new one.  I should have followed.

      The very moment a new tank dropped, but what should happen?  Johnny DeathKnight pulled the boss.  Once again, he was mad that he was floor tanking immediately, and when things fell apart withing seconds he started commenting on how people shouldn't worry, we were getting another 5% buff.  At this point, several people started explaining to him the meaning of a "douche move."   Somehow, Johnny DK still believed he had done nothing wrong.  And strangely he was kicked as soon as everyone was rezzed.  Even more strange, then next pull the bosses went down without  a hitch.  Johnny may have been right about that 5% (eye roll).

      The truth is that in a game like World of Warcraft, it's easy to shoot your mouth off at a bunch of strangers your never going to see again.  I try not to, but I can't say I've never made a snarky comment in a LFR to taunt someone, or to comment on a player's fail.  I am not perfect.  However, I work hard not to create a situation such as the one I mentioned above.  It does no one any good to build frustration into a group.  You never know either.  I have run LFR's only to realize at the end that there were a few people I recognized from Zangarmarsh in the raid with me.  While your reputation in LFR is fleeting, your reputation on your realm can effect yourself or your guild negatively.

      This includes actions within game.  If you stock a player, even slightly, it can look bad for yourself or the people who play with you.  I know I have been approached before by people who had run a random with a guild member, and had a negative experience, and I'm not even the guild leader.  I have also had people whom dwell on Zangarmarsh comment when one of our members has harassed them in any way, and I take that harassment seriously.  

Long story short, everyone should work to not be a Johhny Deathknight.  You can be the best player in Wow, but if your a jerk, your going to have a lot less options if your looking for people to play with.
