Saturday, October 12, 2013

50% Buttkickery and climbing!

A little late, but it's time time to discuss Fear Itself's progress in raiding.

        Tuesday was a very good day.  I ended back up on my pally tank Lag, as Kedec and Creap were unable to make raid Tuesday, and i'm proud to say I did not embarrass myself.  As a matter of fact we cleared the first four bosses on LFR on the one night.  I plan on moving us into ten man eventually, but I want to almost wait until we have a more stable team.  I have too many question marks right now to feel that some of the folks we are bringing into the equation will still be running consistently in a month from now.  Hopefully they will be, but I have to see how things work out.

        Now, we did get some help to step in on the last boss.  We kept getting close to killing the Sha of Pride, but kept dying at below 5%.  Which is amazing since we were down to 2 healers at that point because one of our heals had to run when real life hit.  Big gratz to Shaqia and Orheim for working that hard though.  A couple people joined us at the end of the run, allowing us to get Scorpiack on heals as well, and the boss went down!

        Wednesday we decided to go into the second wing of flex.  This night was a little more difficult and we did not manage to down the first boss.  We did make some progress on him through the night however, and I feel we will have him down as soon as we learn to manage the adds there a bit better.  As people in the guild work on getting more gear, and work on upping our dps, heals and tanking skills it will help too.  Right now we have people in different states of raid experience, and as soon as some get adjusted in better, we will see a lot more success.  I think eventually we will just fly through the flex modes, and that it won't take us long to get to that point.

        So, to put it shortly, things are coming together.  I think Flex is very good for out guild as it allows us to stretch out and bring a couple folks I might worry about bringing otherwise.  Not because they are bad players mind you, because experience wise, or gear wise they just aren't quite as ready for the 10 man SoO yet.  It also allows me to bring extra folks when I want to as well.  We have normally had between 10 to 15 people in a raid with flex, and it's been nice if someone shows up late to just be able to invite them in, or if someone has to drop, we don't have to stress out over it.  I hope Flex continues to be a thing that Blizzard implements as it is a big success, for at least my guild.

Yes, I'm posting this a couple days late, and writing it short, but here it is!!!


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