Thursday, July 25, 2013

Updatish thingy, because raid didn't happen this week 07/25/2013

     And it happens.  People don't show, raid leader is having an insanely tough day which translates to him calling raid before it starts....  Well, there were more factors then that but the tough day was a factor.

Basic campfire, because he will be the next warchief!

      I'm not going into great details here because I don't believe a public forum is the right place to vent your frustrations. (With one sentence I just invalidated this whole blog)  Well, at least your personal frustrations that should be kept just that personal.  Except for your wife.  Maybe that Co-worker whom you have worked with for 8 years.  Maybe even...

      You get the point though, like on facebook anything you put on the internet is there to stay and you have to assume that it can't be removed the moment you put it up.  I don't advocate drama in public forums because I have seen too many posts put up that are the equivalent, or more crazy then most soap operas on T.V.  I refuse to become that.

      But we are here to discuss Wow, and more importantly raiding in Wow.  Like I said, this week on Tuesday it didn't happen.  We were down one main healer whose internet went out, and being short him and one of the usual tanks, plus having a regular DPS whom didn't sign up as well, I put out some feelers but no one I knew wanted to pop in.  Instead we did a LFR or two together, got Scorpiack a little further on his legendary quest, and still enjoyed playing together in one fashion.

     I will take the blame for last night.  I had several frustrating things hit me all at once, and I just wasn't in the mood to raid.  One of the healers had contacted me to let me know they wouldn't make it, and that would have brought us up to 7 signed up.  So, I logged on shortly before raid long enough to cancel it, and put up a note on the message of the day, then I kicked off and spent some family time.  (The 24th is a holiday here in Utah, so I ended up taking the kids out to fireworks in the neighborhood and talking to people that I barely know despite living in this house for 10 years now) I needed something different to cool me down, and sitting in LFR, and scraping people up for raid wasn't going to work last night.

      Is it wrong to not raid occasionally if you just can't do it emotionally? Or if your heart is in the wrong place?  I think occasionally bowing out is good for some of us.  I can count the number of times I have done this since Wrath however on one hand.  I feel responsible for the raid team, so when I feel back when I make a choice not to be there, or have to step away from things.  I push myself in game to make the team better, and even though I feel I needed to step away last night, I still feel like I let people down.

      I know I need to fight some issues I have anyway at this point.  I need to be willing to go to trade chat to find people when we are short for raid.  Normally I don't do this as I worry about bringing people outside of our guild into raid and having them poison the atmosphere.  This is a silly hangup as I will invite Joe Blow who just joined the guild 10 minutes ago if he is ready to go.  Maybe if I get Khallon to pick on me about this hang up....

And a farewll to Oxhorn....

     Anyway, that is the short skivvy on our non-existant raid week.  Next week will be interesting as there is a chance I may end up working Tuesday night, and in that case I will designate raid leader cover, or move the raid night depending on what makes us more likely to get some time in.  It also depends on who shows up, or signs up.

Until next week,

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