Sunday, July 7, 2013

Nerdtacular 2013 (Woot, woot!)

    So this post is going to be a little less Wow related then my normal ones.  I just spent the last couple days at Nerdtacular which, if you don't know is a small pod casting convention held here in Utah.  It was originally a very Wow centric, but has grown over the years as Frogpants studios ( has grown and added more and more podcasts to the line up it puts out.

    This is web comic and podcaster Scott Johnson's company, and I first became aware of it when I started listening to "The Instance," ( The World of Warcraft podcast that Scott Johnson, Willy "Dills", and Turpster put on.  I have been listening to this show since 2008 or so, and I have rarely missed a week.  They do a general mix of Wow information and news and are just fun to listen too.  Of course Scott Johnson has a guild on Earthen Ring Server named Alea Ecta Est (The Die is Cast) and I know at one point it was officially the larges guild in World of Warcraft.  I myself have a toon in that guild I log on to sometimes just to kill a few minutes and listen to that community chat.  Illyrea on Earthen ring.  (Yes, that isn't my only toon of that name.)

       I highly suggest if you can finding something like this near you.  Nerdtacular was a bunch of panels around podcasting.  Their shows are all based around Wow, gaming, Books, New Tech, and other such geekery.   Stuff that makes  people like me happy, and even if like me you don't talk to a lot of people, it's nice just sitting in a group of like minded individuals.  Cryptazoic ( even donated a bunch of their board games and wow TCG games so people could chill and play between panels.

      The shows we caught were the Battles of the Frogpants all stars (A group of Frogpants Podcasters split into two teams and trying to outdo each other at games and trivia) Film Sack ( Where they did Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, Costume contest, Prizeocolypse,  The Saturday morning Stream (Normally the Morning Stream and a couple of other things.

     My only big complaint this year is that during the Prizeocolypse I didn't get my name pulled for a third year in a row.  That is more a Karma thing then anything else, I guess I need to yell more or become more social.  Me and Matt (Shaqia) were sitting in the row right behind Scott Johnson's family, which was cool. Until when they were tossing shirts one of the dudes there blocked a shirt thrown straight at me, and then picked it up and tossed it way back into the crowd.  Matt, offered to punch the dude for being a douche, but we decided to shrug it off.  Wouldn't be good to get kicked out for picking a fight, 'specially with the hosts family lol.  (Not that we would pick a fight anyway it was just annoying).  Unlike last year, where I left with a bunch of blizzard shirts, this year I had to settle with just my swag bad and a T-shirt I bought.  (The Instance T-shirt)  There is something inherently disappointing about  that, but at the same time, I know Scott Johnson had asked blizzard not to send so many T's because anything left over he has to take home, and there was a crapload of T-shirts last year left over even after the attendees picked over the remnants.  So I'm trying not to be unreasonable in my head with this, because I know it's just me

       I am lucky to have a understanding wife who lets me do this once a year.  I've known and heard of people who don't.  But I do need to shout out to her for letting me express my nerdyness, and hopefully I will be able to drag her along one year.

      All in all, it was a fun wonderful weekend, but I'm ready to spend time with my family again and return to Azeroth with my adopted digital family.  And Moldie.  (Hee hee)

       Next post I will talk about Wow, I promise.

Dizzty, Lag, Lazyeye,

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