Friday, February 27, 2015

To Get Respect, You Must Give Respect. Why I Disagree With This Social Convention.

What a load of Bull****

      Tuesday we managed to get to 5/7 again in Highmaul in one night.  Having started almost a half hour late because of Patch day etc.. I'm happy with that.  We were pulling in a new raider whom we need to kick some dust off of and people where making slight adjustments.  I did almost make this post... Why did every class get buffed but mine? But that would have been whining.

      Wednesday we ventured back into Blackforge.  Someone accidently put the raid on heroic so we had to run out and restart things after a couple of pulls... We eventually made our way to Gruul, and spent all of raid fighting him.  We finally managed to down him right before raid ended.

       As to the title of this post, I was in a situation the other day where someone used this phrase.  They told me that before they gave anyone respect, they expected to recieve respect.  I have been mulling this over in my mind since he said it as it bothered me.  It's not that I haven't heard the phrase before.  As a matter of fact I have heard the phrase probably countless times in my lifetime.  It's one of those things I think people say without pondering the true implication of the phrase.

     Let's examine this.  If we have two people who both live by this ideal, what happens when they have to work together.  (Say, on a raid team for instance?) If both parties walk in not giving any respect or care until they have recieved some it creates a situation where that respect may never be given.  Going through life with this attitute will put you in situations where you will come off as a complete douche.  Imagine going into the first day of a job where you are supposed to be part of a working team, and your attitude impeding things from progressing properly because you don't take the time to consider your co-workers opinions or feelings and just barge your way through the day.  That would be a wonderful way to become expendable to your employer.

      Alright, so maybe what I'm looking to deep into this and am overexhatuarating a little.  I may be looking for issues and trouble where there is none.  I still think it's a stupid attitude.

      Respect is something we should atomatically give other people for the sake of being people.  It shouldn't have to be earned initially and you sure shouldn't withhold it until some imaginary quota of good feels has been met.  If someone for some reason shows that they don't deserve your respect you should withdraw that respect begrudgingly.  It shouldn't be an ah-ha moment, but one that is sad since that person showed that they don't deserve that respect, for whatever reason.

      We are all big piles of baggage at the end of the day.  Some of us just manage it better then others.  Anyway, this is my weekly rant.  Agree, disagree let me know.


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