Sunday, January 25, 2015

Grinding halts and expectations. (Raid update week of 01/19/2015)

This wasn't a bad week.

      Tuesday we hopped in with the goal of getting the five bosses down that we had already downed in the raid.  We were close, but didn't get the cigar on this.  We managed four bosses but no Tectus.  I'm O.K. with this.  It is one more boss then we downed on Tuesday last week, and if we keep up this trend we should be able to get our five on Tuesday next week.

      Wednesday we went in, and downed Tectus fairly quickly.  I believe it took us two pulls, but we managed to take him down and move on to boss number six.  Kor'agh is proving to be a little difficult for us so far.  He has a lot of random crap going on, and we never managed to get him down beyond about fifty-one percent.  I still believe if people take the time to figure out the mechanics and watch the videos etc... he's going to be a fight that could take us a while.  I still think there is a good chance we will down him next week and get to work on Imperator Mar'gok.

      This brings up another thought.  Next week is the last week before they open up the Blackrock Foundry raid.  (Woot!)  The question then becomes how do I split our focus, or do I bother to split our focus?  I would like to get all the bosses in Highmaul down before doing Blackrock Foundry, but at the same time we are close enough I am debating sticking my toe into the new raid the week it drops.  Depending on how we handle it I could see doing Highmaul on Tuesday and Foundry on Wednesday until people don't need gear from Highmaul.  Since the gear in Foundry is supposed to be better, if we are getting a couple pieces from there it should help us just finish Highmaul off that much quicker.

    I do worry that Blizzard is making the same mistake they made with Pandaria with how quick this is dropping.  While it is technically the first tier of raiding (we finally get tier gear, yaya!)  I'm hoping that there is a better pacing of content this time around.  I know I'm not the only one who has said it, but if they had spaced all the raid tiers in Pandaria by an extra month or two, the dead time between Xpacks wouldn't have been so long, or felt so painful.  Now, I will say since we didn't actually down Garrosh until the last month or so, that worked to our benifit.  There was a large amount of the player base though looking for stuff to do, and wandering off to greener pastures due to this stretch of no content.

     The counter argument is that this is the second half of the first tier and a natural place for progression.  It is the other half of what is considered the first raid tier,   By getting it now, it feels more a piece of this first round of content and not a completely new event/raid tier being released.  This should be essentially the heart of fear to our Mogu'shan vaults for this expansion.  If it's not released quickly enough if will feel like it's own thing and not the natural progression of this story.

     I also worry with how quickly we have been killing the Warlords.  By my count we have killed Kargath, Ner'zhul, with Blackhand dropping soon in the foundry.  That is three of the baddies down before the second raid tier.  You could argue that makes 50% with one raid tier to go, but I'm betting there is still a surprise to be sprung here.  Grommosh and Kilrog are obviously going to be on the table soon, but since Gul'dan seems to be doing his own thing, I'm not sure I can see him in the same raid with the other too.  As a matter of fact I am betting on him for the Big Bad at the end of this expansion (as I've mentioned previously) due to the fact the legendary quest seems to be based around opposing him.

But what do you all think?



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