Monday, January 12, 2015

Smacked right in the Kisser! (raid update week of 01/04/2014)

So... been a week of raiding.

     Tuesday was a little rough.  We went in and managed to down Kargath, Twin Ogron, and The Butcher again.  We did have a few wipes which made the fights last pretty much the whole night.  It was a little frustrating but it just seemed a rougher night.

     Wednesday was equally frustrating.  We started on Brackenspore and worked on him for a while before giving up and switching to Tectus.  We made some progress on Tectus but eventually raid ended and we called it for the night with no new bosses downed this week.

      I am going to openly say I am frustrated at this moment.  Not with our progress, there are nights where no new bosses or downed or we spend time working on one boss and that is raiding.  It happens a lot for some teams and you get used to the idea that there are some nights you may spend and hour or two just trying to make some progress against a baddie.  This I can live with.

    However, if anyone noticed I grew very quiet in Vent this week.  Why? You may ask, well I will tell you.

     I am tired of grown ass men not being able to put on their big boy pants and bringing down the team.  Not just one person too.  In a moment where we should have been focusing on working together and figuring out how to down a boss there was loud whining, and whispers and lots of other frustrating things that almost made me go off in a rant on vent.  Instead I decided to keep my mouth shut rather then end raid halfway through because the raid leader had an emotional melt down.  Emotional melt downs don't fix anything.  But neither does silence.  This is a problem that may need fixing.  In a raid where we were discussing that the youngest member is about twenty five years old, I should feel like I'm playing with a couple of Kindergartners. Seriously.

     So here is my warning shot.  I will have people muted on vent.  I will ask people to shut their cake hole if they can't contribute anything positive.  Failing that, I will start cutting people.  I don't want to, the majority of people playing with us have been here a couple years and while I have been entertained by antics between a couple of players, it turned pretty damn toxic this week.

     The thing that kills me is that in a world of adults we should be able to take and give some good natured ribbing.  We should be thicker skinned and give each other the benefit of the doubt when someone speaks to us.  Instead I feel I am babysitting a bunch of children.  If I wanted that I would just work the nights we raid.

    Either way, it's been building, and soon something is going to have to give.


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