Thursday, March 6, 2014

Making Folks Work For It! Another Rant from Me! Yay! (Raid Update week of 3/23/2014)

Hi, this is your ornery raid leader....

      This week Tuesday was very good.  We managed to get through the second wing of SoO in one night for the first time.  The bonus to this is that we one shot every boss with the exception of Shamans.  Shamans took two shots.  But we huffed, and puffed and blew that house down in a way we haven't achieved before tonight.  I was very happy with our performance.

      Wednesday night was a little more rough.  I almost didn't make raid and was close to having to stay and close at work.  I managed to still get off, but was about ten minutes late.  Magilla and Gwyn had managed to get things started though, and we were in and raiding shortly.  Malkorak took us a few attempts, but we got him down and moved on to Spoils of Pandaria.  Spoils beat us but it also showcased the problem I have been hitting the raid team with.  We Need More Deeps!

      I threw down and Ultimatum.  I want everybody to be at a minimum of 125k dps by the end of two weeks.  If a dps shows up and can't pull that 125k floor, or close to it, they will be asked not to raid with us until they can hit it.

      We are more then a year into this expansion.  People have been hitting these numbers since Mogu'shan vaults in many cases and we are a lot of gear levels above that point.  There are too many resources in this game to not be able to make such numbers.  I put the effort into my hunter to get to 200k average dps on my hunter as my goal.  I have made that.  On fights where I just pew, pew, and I don't have a lot of swapping, moving, and dps stops I hit that 200k consistently.  As a matter of fact I am setting a new goal of 225k.  To do this I am actually going to start working on some key binds/macros I can use to up my deeps.  I wan to make sure I'm not getting complacent in what I'm doing.

      Now you may say "Lag? Why do we need to be able to hit 125k dps?"  And I will say, "Because you owe it to everyone else who shows up for raid to come in and not expect to be carried."   Let's be honest here.  If you are not working to improve, if you are showing up every week pulling substandard dps and dying constantly they your are not part of the team.  You are a detriment.

     That't right.  If you are not pulling the dps to justify being along in raid you are just one more boss that we have to beat.  Not only that, you are a boss we have to beat on top of the regular bosses every time we walk into a fight.  You can look at yourself and know that you are one of the reasons we have to fight so hard to clear every single boss.  You are one of the enemy.  I happily invite you along to help destroy the raid.

     No more.  I want to see improvement, and I want to see it consistently.  I know that our tanks and heals all work hard to keep things going.  Hell, my wife just started playing again 2 weeks ago after a 6+ month hiatus and she has fought tooth and nail to get her heals up to a point where she is feeling competitive again.  She was the one when she quit that dominated the heals charts the majority of the time.  I can tell you right now, she won't stop until she hits that point again.  Why? Because she wants to do her best.  She doesn't want to be dead weight.  She wants to compete on a level that shows that she gives a damn about how our raid team is doing.

      I may not even live religiously to that 125k minimum and I admit that now.  If you have been pulling 60-70k dps for 2 months now, not naming names, and you show up in two weeks pulling 100k.  I may say, "I see you have been working to improve.  Come next week."  Because this isn't about the numbers at the end of the day.

     It's about doing your part to support and build the team.   You are either building the team, or you are tearing it down.  Piece by piece.  I am already loosing one good raider because of this.  I am determined not to lose anymore.



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