Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Servers Killed Our Raid! (Raid update week of 1/16/2014)

Last night was a big bottle of suck!  I am of course not talking about the raid team.

     But lets rewind to Tuesday.  It was an exercise in frustration as well.  We did better then last week and got three bosses down in the first wing of Flex SoO down.  This may seem like a little accomplishment at this point, but on the first two bosses the synergy was working well.  I dpsed on my Pally Lag as we had a new tank in the raid and I wanted to be able to step in if needed.  I was pleasantly surprised that my pally pulled decent dps in ret, even though his gear was alright, but not fantastic.  My hunter still puts away better numbers, but Lag is a solid choice if I need him as well.

    The problem was the third boss.  Things didn't sync up well on the third fight, and the tension in the raid was insane by the end of the fight.  The other tank swapped to dps, as he was getting tired and I threw on my tank set.  Boss went down.  I don't believe any of the issues we had previously to that pull was one person's fault.  Rather there was a slew of factors that added up.  It's possible I didn't explain the fight well to a couple of people.  Several folks made fatal mistakes at times when maybe they normally wouldn't have.  I think it undermines everything for folks to say... "This one person made X fail".  There were 11 people in the raid.  No single person could have made everyone else die to RNG.

     Wednesday night was... horrible.  Zangarmarsh was down! Server outages across the board pretty much killed our chanced of going in and killing more bosses.  (And Lag really wanted that two hander off of pride.)  We will get our chance next week, but it's kind of irritating when you can't run your raid because of bad luck with Blizzard.  (I'm not saying Blizzard purposely did anything.  Then again... they may hate me at this point.)

      At this point in the expansion I've given up my hopes and doing and crushing 10 man.  Right now, I want to get a team stable enough that when Warlords of Draenor launches we can hit raiding in a timely manner, knowing who is doing what.  We have several people working their way in and more then one plays a couple of different roles.  This is good.  I want to see people swap between healing/dps/ and tanking occasionally.  It helps keep the game from getting too boring, or you class from becoming a mind numbing blankness when you run it.

Fight some Foo

     Next week it will be better.  We will be better.



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