Monday, September 30, 2013

The LFR Blue's (Well, purples) in Siege of Ogrimmar

So, I finally got the first two wings of SoO run this weekend... all I can say is, HOLY CRAP.

     LFR right now is rough.  If you walk in, expect lots of wipes and tons of rough going.  There is a big reason for this.  You just can't walk into LFR at this point without knowing the fights and expect to get through it.  Maybe in a month or two when people are more familiar with these, and the gear levels of the people running though is much higher, it will be possible to walk in and expect an easy clear.  Right now, that just isn't going to happen.

     It's not all Doom and Gloom.  Running LFR can get you some pretty sweet gear, 'specially if you haven't finished Throne of Thunder and are still sitting at a ilevel 500ish place.  The gear that drops in LFR is sitting at ilevel 528.  That is a nice bump in numbers if your sitting on mostly LFR gear from Throne of thunder.  It's worth the wipes and frustration. If gear will drop for you.  Make sure you are getting your bonus rolls every week to increase your chance at this gear, a few average ilevels up can make a big difference in a raid.

       Blizzard seems to have tuned LFR a little higher this time.  There are fights, (looking at you Nazgrim) where one person not paying attention or doing their job can screw the whole raid.  Right now the fights seem to take forever to get down, but that will change with gear as people get more gear and experience.  Expect a couple hours per LFR run at this point after you get through the queue time.  It's going to be rough, if you get an easy run, count your blessings.  I feel those are going to be rare for a while.

    Now the real argument is, is this a bad thing?  LFR should be a way to help prepare people for actual raiding with a group.  Not random, but a group of people that work together and tackle harder content.  If LFR is something in which you can just walk in, do nothing, and walk out with loot, you aren't learning anything. (Looking at you Dragon Soul)  So, arguably, LFR should have some toughness to it.

     Where do you draw the line though? This is also an experience you are supposed to be able to get through without having to chat on ventrilo or keep an open communication going.  You are supposed to go in and learn from LFR, but it's supposed to be possible to do so without a lot of detailed strategies involved.

      Basically, LFR has a fine line it should straddle.  If it's too easy, you have people logging in and doing nothing and getting rewarded for it.  If it's too hard, your going to discourage your player base, including the people with limited time who have no other way to raid in WoW.  So, if it's a little tough right now, there is probably a reason.

      Now, if three or four months down the road, if people still are having and insane time then we can make the argument that they tuned LFR too hard.  At that point if there is still tons of trouble and Blizzard doesn't work on tuning the raid down, it will be time to criticize this round of LFRs.

     Until then, hop in, grab your helmet and hold on.  It's going to be a bumpy ride.


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