Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Keep yer heads up!!!

     I have to get this off my chest, or at least put some advice out there.

     As you may have heard, Bridgeburners has gone through a transition that meant a bunch of their raiders are now in the guild Exile, and the fate of the guild itself could be guessed as unknown at this point.

     This is all I can say, for this is all that I know.  I only mention this because we have characters in our guild who are tied in different ways to Bridgeburners, through both family and friendship and anytime that a guild that has lasted as long as they have goes through troubles it can be tough on anyone involved.  That being said, it's all I will really say directly about them etc.

      I more want to advice people against gossiping or making any time of supposition about what happened in their guild.  I am sure that if there is a schism here, that I friends I hold in high regard on both sides.  I don't want anyone in our guild to be the cause of hurt feelings because they are sharing opinions or their version of what happened.  I don't want to alienate anyone in or out of that guild right now because any transition is tough.  If that is leaving your guild for another, or finding that the guild you have worked so hard to maintain is suddenly empty, it's tough.

      I am Switzerland on this.  I am not taking sides if there are sides to be taken because, A. I am not involved.  B. I am not involved.  C.  It's not worth my time to dig through other people's crap.  I am hoping that everyone else takes a similar stance.  As much as this disruption saddens me, it would sadden me more if someone in the guild where to exacerbate the problem.

      So, if you HAVE (I advise against poking your nose into other people's business once again)  to find out what happened there is only one person you should talk to.  His name is Cotilion, or Barolt.  He is the guild leader, and this is his baby.  He has the ownership of the guild Bridgeburners so he would be the one person to talk to.  If you want to ask about a ship, you should always talk to the captain.  Now, since I am sure he is going through a tough time with all the upset, I would advise against bothering him too much, we owe him that respect since he has successfully run and managed that guild for a long while.

       And yes, I realize it's semi-hypocritical of my to keep rambling on when i'm advising people not to talk, gossip, or mention this subject in an uninformed or negative manner, but it's me, I ramble a lot.  I also worry about the friendships I've made in and out of guild in the 7 years I've played  this game.  I worry about the people stuff like this effects.  Most of all, I want our guild to be respectful and to be above reproach in any one else's eyes, and we can't do that if we cut other people down intentionally, or unintentionally.

        So, I will close by saying, good luck to the Bridgeburners.  I hope wherever the dice land, it ends up with everyone better off in the long run.


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