Sunday, December 11, 2016

Looking at a Stat Squish Soon.

Because it is out of control!!!!

     Let's be honest, there is no feeling like watching big numbers fly across your screen while you are killing the big beasty in front of you.  The feeling your character is getting more powerful is awesome and fun, and we love that feeling that we are this martial or magical juggernauts that are nigh unstoppable as we slam our way through foes.  In a game there is a cost to that.

    We are looking at the same situation now that we were in Cataclysm where the numbers our characters were putting out were hitting close to the ceiling of what the game can handle.  Add on the many new ways to get and improve armor, and that number is climbing higher even more quickly than before.  I am fairly certain we will have another stat squish at the end of this expansion.

    And that is not a bad thing.  Last time the players showed they were supportive of such a thing.  We managed to accept the feeling that we were still hitting hard with lower numbers because Blizzard did a great job of evening things out.  I imagine it will work that same way again.  I do have my normal advice to Blizzard to go with that, and yes you have all heard me say it multiple times.

    Let's do a level squish as well.

    Seriously, use the leveling experience in Legion, apply it to the rest of the world, and then squish it.  Make it so mobs level with you to the level spread of that expansion.  For example, if we make original WoW 1-30, make the mobs stop adjusting to your character after 30.  That way we can go back and still feel invincible when running older content.

    Make it, Original 1-30.  Burning Crusaide 30-35.  Wrath of the Lich king 35-40.  Calaclysm 40-45, Pandaria, 45-50.  Warlords 50-55, and Legion after this expansion 55-60.

    Do we need this you might ask?  Well, yes and no.  I mean when a new player starts, they get a character that just has to level through current content.  So, they get one main who gets the head start so they can play with their friends and become part of the end game.  That is great.  What happens though if they hit 110, and don't like the class they picked.  They are then reduced to two options.

    Pay $60 bucks, then level the last ten again, or level through 110 levels for another alt who may or may not be as enjoyable as the character they are playing.  If you are a new player and have never leveled through all the beginning areas, that is completely discouraging.  Us old hat players know that you can level through all that content quickly enough, but if you are new to the game, that looks like a daunting trip.

    I think this is partially a matter of accessibility.  When you do your stat/level squish you could throw ilevel on the pile too.  If we can pull back and lower the ilevels with the squish that could give us even more room to develop and grow.  If they do it right it like last time, the feel of the game won't even be very different.  Just the numbers our characters are throwing up when they fight.

How does everyone else feel though?  Are these opinions completely off base, or would this lengthen the longevity of the game.  Am I wrong to think there is a mental hurdle for new players to level up to 110, or am I just postulating an opinion that has no bearing in actuality? How would you all feel about a level squish?


As always, if you would like to support Ben Marble and his carnivorous plant wrangling consider purchasing one of his short stories at

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