Sunday, January 31, 2016

I'm in the Legion.

So, I got an invite into the Legion Alpha.

    So far, I've been enjoying it.   Of course the first thing I did was roll a Demon Hunter to take a spin at how the class feels.  I love this class.

    The double jump is fantastic.  Pair that with the ability to sprout wings and glide it's fun just to hop around as needed.  I'm going to call it now.  Blizzard is going to get hit with a top of people complaining about the Demon Hunter's double jump being an unfair advantage yada, yada.  Of course, this will make Blizzard go one of two directions.  They will either get rid of the double jump, or give everyone a double jump.  I just hope the glide part stays unique.  Anyone who wants to be able to glide can use toys or become an engineer.

     Battle wise they feel O.k.  The mechanics feel fun, but I don't feel it's completely unique.  The building and release of a resource isn't something new, but the animations look cool.  The double glaves as a weapon feel nice and manages not to look clunky, even though that was a distinct possibility.

      The Demon hunter starting zone was fun as well.  It was lovely with demons and a unique mount.  I'm not going to spoil much in the way of story, but it was nice to see that not all elements of demon hunters where Illidan yes men and women.  There are several names of the demon hunters that you will recognize, and you will continue to see those names through the entire beginning area and on until you get your class hall.  I hope Blizzard does something so that moving beyond this expansion the familiar names are not lost.  If the class hall moves on to the next expansion, or is revitalized it would be nice to continue to fight with the same army of people.

      I don't know if I'm going to play much further, but I am planning on fiddling with some of the other starting experiences.  I really don't like spoiling an expansion for myself, or doing so much that the expansion doesn't feel new and shiny when I play it.  However, I do like to do a little spelunking and poking about.  What I do play with, I will report on and let people know, without spoiling anything as much as possible.

     That is my week. I'm going to try and log on a little more, give my friend Aaron a little more support if I have time for it.  He needs some training so he's not a noob by Legion dang it.  School does eat up a lot of my time, along with work with has had me working a little later than normal lately.  Starting to feel the burn there, but there isn't much I can do about it.  Between school and work i'm not home about 4 nights a week now, that is a lot more than I was missing at home a couple months ago.  I'm alright with this for now, but if it doesn't change when I get back to my IT classes I may have to shift something.

See you all soon.


Anonymous said...

Sad to say, posts like this are the only thing keeping me going during this totally predictable yet vehemently denied Blizzard WoW lull. I only wish I had also gotten an Alpha invite so I could test out that DH myself. If it lives up to even a quarter of my expectations, I fully intend to gear it up as my 2nd main. Hopefully they DO NOT give double jump to the other classes -- keep it uniquely DH, IMO. Every class has a unique movement ability or other skill that adds variety as well as playability to them. Mages have ports and tele. Rogues can pick locks, disarm traps, stealth through things (along with cat-droods). Shamans have water-walking, their travel form, totems, etc. There need to be distinct things to maintain class identity -- or else we might as well all be Arms warriors, lol.

Corvis said...

Sorry it took me a bit to reply to this, it's been a busy week!

Honestly, I hope double jump and glide remain with just the Demon Hunter. However, I can see this being one of the things that the community. (Meaning maybe 5% of the player base, but those who whine a lot) keep complaining to Blizzard about once they get a taste. To be honest, after being able to double jump playing my other characters feels a little more grounded. It's just fun to be able to bounce about. But that is part of the demon hunter's charm. They give warriors a run for their money on mobility. The Demon hunters deserve to keep this unique flavor, but I can see a chance it will be pushed around. I also hope not.