Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Patch 6.2 My Precious

And it is here.  Today.

      Saturday was a LFR running day.  I wasn't available as I had to work, and not enough folks showed so we ended up running LFR together.  Wasn't there, but I assume Magilla was stoic, people shot and stabbed things, and fun was had.  If fun wasn't had, then I blame Gul'dan.  Dude ruins everything.

     Sunday was O.k.  We went in and one shot Hanz and Franz, (we decided to skip Gruul) and then went and took some swings at Beastlord no one remembers my other name.  Last week we one shot him.  This week we had some trouble, and weren't able to down him.  Part of it is still getting a consistent group.  I'm hoping Hellfire's excitement will help with that.

     Today 6.2 drops and all of Warcraft quivers in excitement.  New content is always ready to be devoured after a lull, and this lull has felt long despite the fact that it probably was a lot shorter then we used to wait between raids and content.  Mists however has built us up for quicker content and now I don't think Blizzard has the option of easing up on the gas.  I still think at times that the content is too fast, but in this case it's time.

      First of all you can start making sure you are getting ready for the return of flying.  Getting the Draenor Pathfinder achievement will earn you wings for your main character, and any other character you have in Draenor over level 90.  This may actually get me to start leveling characters against.  Be aware there is a bit to getting the Pathfinder achievement.  However, Wowhead.com has a great feature where you plug in your character and it will tell you what you have left to do to earn flying.  You can find it at http://www.wowhead.com/flying.  Be aware that the last 100 treasures achievement is a little misleading here.  It tells me incomplete because Lag hasn't gotten 200 treasures, but he does have over the required 100.  Otherwise plug yourself in and see what you have left.  Securing Draenor achievement quests can be bought in your Garrison if you haven't done them.  You can buy maps of the different treasure locations in Ashran.  Loremaster you will have as long as you finished the main questlines, and exploring is just riding around and seeing stuff.  If you start now when flying drops you will have it available to you soon.  Be sure to work up your three Tanaan Jungle reps because you will need those at revered as well.

      Timewalking is coming.  During the weekends here and there you can hop into special events where you can run past dungeons with your characters being nerfed down so the content will be at level for Heroic.  The gear dropping here will be dropping to an ilevel rewarding to your character.  The reason you can only run these on weekends is so you might want to run some Mythic dungeons....

      And yes Dungeons are getting a Mythic level.  It is recommended you have at least some Highmaul/Blackrock gear before attempting these.  ilevel 680 gear will be dropping here with the chance at a ilevel 700 piece from the last boss.  These Mythic dungeons will be on a weekly lockout like LFR so don't expect to run them non-stop to get geared.

     Naval missions are coming as well.  I hope you have around 6,000 garrison resources saved up because that's what it is going to cost you to get your naval yard built and rocking.  Blizzard has said unlike garrison missions these won't be so time consuming and the rewards will be good.  So, plan on setting your missions every couple of days or every week.  This will also be how you create an inroads into Tanaan Jungle.

     Yes we now go back to the area where this all started.  Back to Tanaan to explore and fight the Fel Iron Horde?  Anyway.  New quests, new factions, new goodies.  Oh, and new mats for Professions so you will have to leave your garrison.  MWha ha ha

     Other features include a new Quest journal that gives suggestions on how to best develop your character.  And several folks having to relearn their classes.  Oh, and did I mention Hellfire Citadel.  Yeah, new big green fiery raid.  Bring it baby!  I am hoping this isn't the last big content patch for the expansion and that Blizzard has something else up their sleeves.  I mean, Gul'dan is not even a boss in the Hellfire Citadel....

Anyway, what is everyone looking forward to the most when the servers come up and they can log in today?



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