Thursday, October 16, 2014

The next Cataclysmic event! 6.0.2! (Raid update week of 10/12/2014)

And now we are in a whole new world....

We will never look like this again!

     Sunday, yes this one starts with Sunday raid night.  Sunday can't say much really.  A few of the main raid team couldn't make it because it wasn't a normal raid night, but we did manage to work on Garrosh for a couple of hours.  We got to phase 2 a couple of times, but didn't really push him as far as we had previously.  We will have to keep working....

      Tuesday was patch 6.0 day.  Everything changed.  We still went in and raided even with a lot of mods not working and everyone in the midst of relearning their classes.  I will say right now I didn't really feel the item squish. that much.  Then numbers popping up of course were lower, but the bosses didn't seem to be going down any slower then normal and we managed to work our way past Galakras for the night.  We only really wiped once, and that was on Galakras because the smash animation at the top of the tower had been updated and was harder to see.  Then some tank ran up the other tower without his healer.  How embarrassing.  For myself.

       Wednesday we picked up where we had finished.  We managed to work our way through a bit more and found our way all the way through Spoils of Pandaria.  Once again everything was pretty much a one shot (Save Malkorak who took us two shots) and we kept moving forward pretty well.  I am of course saving our progress so we are now going to start on Thok next week.  There is no reason we shouldn't get to Garrosh again and have the raid saved to him by the end of next Tuesday at this point.

        So far nothing in 6.0 has surprised me.  I am missing a few buttons, but I can live with that.  I played through the pre-expansion quests, which were better then the Theromore scenario, but still pretty disappointing when you match them up against the pre-expansion events for Wrath and Cataclysm.  I know the bigger the pre-patch stuff the less work is going into the actual expansion, but I still like a nice big meaty lead in.  This just felt like, "Hey, do a handful of quests and smack some orcs.  O.k, good, done, have a pet."  I would have loved to have had to fly across Azeroth hunting down Iron Horde scouts or have to fight against the Blackrock to keep them from making a treaty with this "Iron Horde."  It all feels very small and contained to me, and that is a little sad.

        The one thing that has been wonderful has been all the people I have seen coming back with the new content.  We have seen Khallon, Orheim, Kedec, Sylvanara, and several others who have re-appeared in time for the patch.  I have heard of a few more who are thinking about coming back as well.  Other players have re-appeared in guild but haven't blown stuff up with us again like Deathsprite and Easybake.  I'm very happy to see the returning faces.

Well, that is this week and my quick impression of the patch.  What has your experiences been?  Are you enjoying the changes? How do you like the new character models? (I love them btw)


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