Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Relax man, it's not that bad.

I need to put in a little interjection here if I may.

      When I have gotten online I have been bombarded at times with people asking about why their DPS sucks, and if I feel X class is doing better then Y class.  People are worried that their class is not hitting hard enough, or they are worried about their new rotations and lack of abilities that they loved.  (I have really felt this, playing a mage without living bomb feels wrong somehow) or many other things that have come out after the patch.  Let me tell you now...

     Just take a deep breath and don't make any snap judgments.

     Blizzard is hot fixing bugs and issues daily.  This includes different abilities on the classes.  This also includes damaging abilities from bosses, raid adjustments etc...  Also you have to keep in mind right now Blizzard is starting to look at the end game as level 100, not level 90.  You may not feel a balance for your class until you hit that next level cap after the expansion drops.

      There was also a lot of talk of Blizzard cutting abilities from classes.  We knew it was coming.  Learn and practice your new rotations before you decide you don't like them.  Right now you are fighting the muscle memory you have spent an expansion building up, now it's time to adjust and get used to everything before the expansion drops.  Then, some other abilities will change and you will have to relearn things after you hit 100.  So, the moral of the story here....

    Expect change.

    Change is good.  I can't imagine playing the content now with all the nuances that Vanilla Wow had.  (Yes, I'm going against the rose tinted glasses assumption that everything was better back in the day.)  Change is what brought us to where we are today.  Without it, I firmly believe that there would be a whole lot less people still playing Wow.  This is what keeps the game alive.  This is part of what keeps it from becoming too boring.  Plus, we have all been through this before.  Every expansion things have changed.

    So quick recap, take a breath, don't panic, wait before you freak out.  I would hate for someone the change what they are doing over a problem that might not exist a month from now.


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