Friday, May 16, 2014

Busyness and Mother's day. (raid update for the last two weeks, 05/04/2014 and 05/11/2014)

That's right.  Mother's day killed me and now I'm playing catch up.  Well, work and Mother's Day.

     Last week I will keep simple, we started with wing one and started blasting through things.  Between the two nights we managed to get all they way to Treasures of Pandaria which isn't bad.  That pretty much means we cleared all the bossed up to the point we have been stuck at.  Past that point we have downed Thokk once, and Blackfuse once.  Both times with a little help.  I was very happy with the progress this week.

     Tuesday this week we got off to a good start and moved through the first four bosses of flex one.  We then moved to Galakras where several disconnects and other issues stopped us for the night.  I want to stress the reason we didn't get this boss down was because of the disconnects and other such issues.  We even tried another different trick that ended in flames, but I thought was pretty fun.  Next week It will go better.

     Wednesday didn't happen.  I had texts from a couple of people that said they weren't going to make it.  Then my daughter crashed her bike and had to be taken for stitches right before raid time.  This meant, I logged on, canceled raid, and did what I had to do.  It sucks, but sometimes life happens like that.  My daughter is fine though.  Seven stitches above the right knee and she was good to go.

     It is important to remember that sometimes life trumps game and raiding.  In a perfect world we could itemize every moment of our days into simple little compartments that never overlap.  However things do happen and there are times when you have to step out or miss raid.  Families have emergencies.  Power goes out.  Work calls you in.  So many different reasons that can come up because lets face it.  Life is busy and it's messy.  As time goes by there is just more busy and mess to fit into the same time frame you normally have.

     I am looking forward from where we are.  There are still people missing plenty of loot from the first bit of the raid.  There are still people who are gearing up and have swapped toons.  There is opportunity to work together better and to work on bettering ourselves as players.  In a few weeks we will be back to smacking Blackfuse and Thokk and the later bosses.  We will get back there in time.  We have a good bit of time before the next expansion comes out.  The fact that patch 5.8 is on the PTR and getting ready to load shows they are working on giving some bonuses before 6.0 and the walk up to Warlords happens.  At this point I want to guess we will see the new expansion in September or October if they get stuff rolling.  If they keep having set backs, (and I am assuming that with Zharym's recent tweet about things taking longer then intended.) Then it may take as long as December.  I think that is the last thing that Blizzard or the players want.

Next week will be better.  Soon, we will be moving forward again.


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