Thursday, December 12, 2013

We are a community! Raid update (Week of 12/12/2013)

And I love me some good community,

Community on NBC

     This week in raiding started about the same as it was last week.  We managed to get past Narushun, but just past.  We had some weird issues that stopped us there for the night.  This fight which we have managed to at worst two shot for the last few months gave us all sorts of trouble.  But we managed and got through.

     Wednesday, we were short a dps so I pugged out of trade chat.  This brought us Summerdawn, the warrior (on his pally which was another Summer.. somthing), Mondel the Monk, and a priest who I am going to be horrible and forget his name, but his gear and deeps made the rest of us want to bow down and worship him lol (If any guildies want to throw his name in the comments).  We managed to Down Galakras after a couple tries, one shot Iron Juggernaught, and ended the night with our first Dark Shamans kill.  This means I hope that we have everyone studied up on Nazgrim for next week. (hint hint)

     No, I normally have been opposed to pugging folks into our raids.  Sometimes that can be a mixed bag at best, however last night I have to say I was excited by the happiness and positive support from the folks who hopped in with us.  I know that we were not raiding on the level they are used to enjoying, but they were willing to hop in and help us push forward, which warms my heart. I know most of the people in Wow are good folks who are willing to help out, however that one or two bad eggs know how to stick out when you come across them.

      Back to my title theme, I have been thinking of community in Wow this week.  It started when I listed to Tauren Think Tank while working Monday.  (If you don't listen to this show, you should)  Near the end of the podcast (At roughly an hour and 42 minutes into the show) In a letter that they received, a player had written in with their experience.

     This player had an experience that is well worth sharing.  He was in a guild for a few years.  While he was in this guild he came across another player named OG who tanked along side him.  The writer of this letter was an info nut, who describes himself as the "Oh my gosh how do you not know this stuff guy."   This character OG who played with him was a good dps, but not great as a tank.  The writer says he normally would give OG crap, and rib him during raids.  After a few months however, the raid team decided to transfer to a more populated server, and a few couldn't afford to move over, OG being one of them.

    A couple months after the transfer, the writer's old guild master asked him to hop into vent with her.  She then told him that this other player that hadn't been able to transfer over, had committed suicide.  The writer initially thought the worst of his personal behaviour, But the GM told him she had been talking to OG for a few months and that he had been depressed for a while, and had thought of the writer as an older brother and saw the ribbing and teasing in a friendly manner.  However, the tragedy in the situation was apparent.

    The writer did an info search while other guildies were getting into vent to discuss OG.  He found OG by name and decided to call his family.  He was able to contact OG's mother and managed to talk to her for a while, sharing some stories of her son, and some of the fun they had together.  He then asked if it was alright if some other people called her.  She answered yes, and the writer's guild, each took a turn to call her and share their stories of her son.  During this whole time, the guildies who weren't on the phone with her shared stories of OG in vent and held their own little memorial.  If you listen to the podcast, Jules reads it much better then I can type it, and I recommend you listen to it.

     I was moved to the point of tears during this story.  We often talk about how this is a game, and game doesn't trump real life etc... We do forget that we are a community also.  As a community we are capable of some wonderful things, even in the face of tragedy.  I hope that in this moment, OG's mother and family was given some comfort in the face of one of the worst things a family could ever go through.

    It is so easy to forget when your tromping through a pixelated landscape that the characters you come across are real people.  That the person you come across who just swiped your mining node is a person who may have not seen you.  Or is someone that might have an emotional response when you berate them in trade chat.  It is so easy to forget we are dealing with players feelings, and that you could do damage to someone emotionally if you say the right thing at the wrong time.

    We are fragile beings folks.  Even the strongest of us have moments where they can be hurt deeply.  Some may never even show it.  We never know what the power of our words are, until they break the wrong person.  I don't believe that OG was effected negatively by his Wow mates and experience from the reading of the letter.  I feel rather from the way writer reflected the GM talked to him, that Wow and his guild mates might have been a bright light in a difficult life.  I hope that this guild was a shelter to OG at times when he needed it, and it sounds like that they likely where.

   So, as you tip toe through Azeroth this week, think about your actions.  Are you a positive light in you fellow players lives? I know I haven't always been.  Being human there will probably be lots of times where I fall short after this again.  I do strive however to do my best to bring a positive experience to those around me.


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