Friday, March 11, 2016

Time-Management and Little Broken Things

Legion is still several months away, and I'm already pondering raiding.

     First of all, yes, this is on my mind.  Due to the fact for the first time in over ten years of playing Wow I haven't been spending tons of time online I worry about where things are going to be when Legion launches.

     If I get the job I'm looking at right now, weekend raiding will probably be out.  However, doing raiding on the week nights will probably exclude the guild leader if she is not done with school.  Then there is the hope that people will come back and want to raid.  I'm not sure with this being the first time the guild has actually taken a break from raiding when it wasn't the beginning of an expansion how it's going to effect things.  I could sign on Legion launch day and find out that half the folks that normally raid with us have moved on, or that they decided not to come back with the new expansion.  I don't know at this point.

     I can't promise anything is going to change for a bit either.  Right now I'm working on my A+ certification in my classes, which means my brain is geared on school right now.  This certification opens up some doors to be that will otherwise be closed.  It's funny to think that when I started school at DATC I was talking about getting a few certifications to improve my work skills.  Now I'm discussing going all the way to my BA potentially.  At my age thinking about all that schooling is a scary thing.  I am weighing the financial rewards against the fact that by the time I get my BA my oldest will probably be a senior in High School.  The fact that means I will be wrapped up in school for a large part of her teenage years makes me ponder if it is worth it.  It will be time to take stock when I get my associates here probably in about a year from now.   We will see.

    As far as Wow goes, I've not done much in the Legion Alpha.  That whole priorities thing.  I did use tax money to prepay for Legion and I have that level 100 boost staring at me, but I'm not exactly rushing on that account since I already have maxed, or close to maxed every class in the game.  I may boost my mage on Aerie Peak, but I don't want to blow the free boost and then never play the character.  So I will sit on it for a while.

      Yes, this is a early morning, organizing thoughts post.  I apologize to any who wanted something deep and meaningful about the state of the game or what the newest buzz on Demon Hunters is.  Right now things are pretty simple.

      Wow will be there for a long time yet.  Legion is coming.  I'm predicting that subscriptions before Legion drops hits an all time low.   Then I'm predicting that the amount of players that come back at the expansion drop "surprises everyone!"  The same way that Warlords did when it shot back up to 10 million subscribers.  I don't know if I would predict 10 million again.  But I don't think 8 or 9 is out of the question.  There are a lot of Wow players who want the game as it was during Wrath to come back.  (By the way it won't, the game evolves forward, not backwards) and with all the new shininess they will hope this is it.  It might have a lot of similar feelings and nostalgia, but it won't be Wrath.  As a matter of fact even though Wrath was my favorite expansion, I personally don't want it to be.  I want it to be it's own thing.

     So here I am, feeling broken and timeless during the game.  I am logging on for maybe 30 minutes 3-4 times a week just to make sky golems to sale.  I'm hoping that before Legion drops I can find a way to get my groove in game back.  But time will tell.


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