Thursday, September 18, 2014

We are closer then we were before..... (raid update for the week of 9/18/2014)

I know I haven't hidden it well, but I've been kind of ornery lately when I've written this.  (Hey, it's almost like this blog is named well)

      This week was pretty good.  Tuesday we got in and after a bit of struggle we achieved our third Blackfuse kill in three weeks.  It's still a little rough, but it's safe to say we have him on farm.. kinda.  It was a different week for me as I ended up tanking instead of dpsing for the first time in a bit.  Apparently I did OK since we downed the boss.  We did have some low DPS but as we managed a kill I'm not complaining too loud.

       Wednesday, I finally plunked down the gold to re-gem and reforge Lag over to a haste build for tanking, as I have been running mastery all expansion.  I am not a fan of the thought process behind the haste build, but it seems to work well enough that I won't complain and I will even admit to being a little pig headed on this.  We did start late, but managed to get Paragons down.  That's right.  We are down to just Garrosh and then we have finished Siege of Ogrimmar as a raid team.  We even did a couple of quick attempts on old Gary Hellscream and it looks to be an interesting fight.  I do have to give props to Moldivenom who has come back to us and who allowed us to finally run again on a Tuesday night.

      This also means there is a chance again to get Garrosh down before 6.0 drops.  That is assuming it doesn't drop this Tuesday.  (I really debated putting up and extra raid night Sunday, but realized I would be out of town.)  Next week the big goal in my head is to get Blackfuse and Paragons down on the first night and have all Wednesday to work on Garrosh.  If we can do this, I think we may even have him down next week.  At that point we will have to decide if we want to keep farming the last wing of SoO or take a trip back to Throne of Thunder to finish up that raid.  I would love it if we have finished all the content before WoD drops.

      There are other things that people need to scramble and do as well.  The legendary cloak quest is going bye bye once WoD drops, if you haven't completed it.  My understanding is once 6.0 is here no one will be able to pick up the quest if they aren't already on it.  Once the next expansion hits us on Nov. 13th the cloak quest will be gone for good.  I don't understand why they are removing the quest completely, but they are.  I can tell you right now that there are still legendary items in the game that aren't hard to get if your very persistent.  (Say, Sulfuros, or Thunderfury.)  I managed to farm both of those in a manner of months with the right amount of luck.

      Challenge mode dungeons, Brawler's guild, and the ahead of the curve achievement for Siege of Ogrimmar are all among the things that are disappearing once 6.0 walks out and slaps us in the face.  Several other things are disappearing as well.  Pretty much as a rule of thumb, if it felt temporary it's gone.

      Soon we will have to re-learn our classes, get used to our new Character models, and start clearing out bags and finishing quests before we head into a completely new... umm... relatively... land.  (Seriously, there are still a bunch of Orcs hanging around that probably remember out Outland 35 years ago....)

     So, I know what i'm doing... (More time on alts) what are you trying to get done before 6.0 and WoD launches?


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